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The Blame Game

He DID IT… NOOO… I DID NOT!!! HE DID!!! Pointing fingers aye! Would you like to be with someone who you blame 24/7!? Obviously NOT… Can you understand a person without spending time with them?.. I guess not. Have you ever noticed blaming…yourself! I mean… blaming yourself for not being perfect, or for not doing something that others wanted you to do and now you feel bad about yourself… Well this is the blame game I am talking about… We either blame others for not being the way we would like them to be… or we blame ourselves for not being the way we or they want us to be…

For the time being lets forget about others and talk about yourself get the control of your “remote control”.

If I keep blaming myself all the time will I ever want to be with myself? NO! If I don’t spend time with myself, if I keep running away from myself keep fighting with my emotions all the time, blaming myself all the time for things I have done in the past that have led to my failures then I will never be able to know my true self. If I cannot be with myself and know who I really am then how can I even think of trying to know/ understand someone else? So, the first step to knowing myself and mastering my own self is to Suspend Judgment… stop the blame game.. stop blaming myself and others.

Why Suspend Judgment?… I have noticed from past experiences that most of the time(read all the time) my judgments about people, places, things and situations including my judgments about myself, my actions, and my work turn out to be wrong. Judgment is just the starting.. what follows is the blame game. Behind every action is a thought. In this case the thought is judgment and the action that follows is blame. So my friend.. Suspend your judgments and stop the blame game coz it aint good for anybody…including you – G

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