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Gaurav RanaA scientist, business manager, singer, musician and spiritual seeker.. these are some ‘labels’ that would appropriately describe my background. Labels are useful at putting things in perspective but at what cost?.. sadly, at the cost of limiting it to that category!

I am creating this blog to tear those boundaries and share my observations with you.

I’d also use this forum to share my knowledge, observations and best practices in business/spirituality/science/music/’unknown’…

I am a big fan of socializing but not much online… and therefore am active on only one social networking website and that is Linkedin. I welcome you to join my professional network on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/ranagau/


Gaurav Rana

1 Comment

  1. If you have a chance, I think you’d agree with some of the thoughts I had in my post pathological self-diagnosis. I’m no scientist though!

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