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Gold Nugget 8

Its very practical to sit in the quite everyday and spend some time meditating. There is nothing “great” about it. Its just self-help. <– If you like this then click on the text to learn more about making sense of practicing ‘sense’lessness

making sense of practicing ‘sense’lessness

If you fix your gaze on one object long enough while you yourself are in motion, your peripheral vision goes blind. This phenomenon is called “Motion Induced Blindness“.

Live Demonstration: Watch this video. You will see a revolving array of blue crosses on a black background. There is a flashing green dot in the centre and three fixed yellow dots around it. If you fix your gaze on the green dot for
more than a few seconds, the yellow dots will disappear at random . . . , either singly, or in pairs, or all three together. In reality, the yellow dots are always there. Just watch the yellow dots for some time to ensure that they don’t go anywhere!

Practicing ‘sense’lessness: Isnt it amazing that our senses are so smart in lying to us 🙂 and we rely upon them so heavily. Its good to spend some time in ‘sense’less state which sometimes is also experienced in meditation when we sit with closed eyes and take a break from the data stream our mind receives from the sense doors. Reduction in noise from the senses improves clarity of the mind and in a way leads to improved productivity in our day to day activities.

Thats why its very practical to sit in the quite everyday and spend some time meditating. There is nothing “great” about it. Its just self-help.

Gold Nugget 6

Meditation is spending quality time with yourself <– If you like this then click on the text to learn more about “Time is Liberating”

Dissatisfaction is not a bad thing

Dissatisfaction is not a bad thing. Its nature of the mind to stay dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction arises from unfinished desires. Mind is the factory where desires are manufactured. Its those desires that create the need and its a well known fact that need is the mother of invention. So, in a way desires drive innovation and evolution is the result of that innovation. Nature has built our mind in such a way that it remains dissatisfied and thus we constantly keep evolving and create new experiences and stay involved (not get bored with our existence).

Knowing that the nature of mind is to feed on desires (that it generates LOL) is very evident from our own lives. When we were kids we wanted to go to the next level of class (fast), then get out of school and ‘enjoy’ college life but the moment we stepped into college our minds dropped that ‘desire/craving/wish’ like a hot rod and stretched towards another desire of getting a job, then followed better job, then marriage, kids, and it goes on and on and on. In business its the same thing have you ever noticed satisfaction in WallStreet? believe me you wont find it there.. ever! and its the same nature of our mind at work, stay dissatisfied with what you have in hand and keep running after the next goal…. You see where this is going… we keep running after that which we dont already have.. running running running until the life force in the body ends and then what?… does it end there?…. well.. not really…. Those desires will bring you back to this planet (or some other in another dimension or in this same universe) and your mind will continue to do what it does best… 🙂 OH! and what about those desires that were born in the previous lifetimes? they will have their impressions in this lifetime and will also get multiplied when you share those desires with others around you 🙂

When you have mastery on your desires you’ll know how to handle other’s desires and thereby make you a better communicator and leader. You’ll know how to manage other people much better and give them better incentives (based upon their own desires for money, power, promotion, praise etc). You will get better in strategy to decide the future course of action for your business.

The one who understands this nature of mind (as i described above) will become mind-full of it and will let the mind do its tricks.. not fight with it but see it in action and smile back at it .. sometimes even play with it but yet stay in control instead of dancing like a mad monkey jumping from one desire to another. This mindful observation of this nature of mind is sometimes called meditation.

We are ancient… yes we really are (no philosophy, pure science)

So far scientists have only understood the nature of light. How light behaves in certain situations and conditions. But that’s all that they know. They still don’t know what light really is! Is it a wave or a particle?

Ever wondered how long it takes light to travel from its point of origin within our Sun to fall on you (when you are standing in direct sunlight)? You will be amazed by the answer.. it can take anywhere from hundreds of thousands to even millions of years. In other words…. every light particle/ or for that matter wave or Waveticle that hits us… is in a way worth displaying in a museum coz in human time scale they are “ancient”.

Riding, on that thought stream… have you ever wondered how old the atoms must be that make up your own body? Yes, its as old as this universe is .. the age of our universe is 13.77 billion years…. in a way we are “ancient” in the most material way.

Next time you become aware of the saliva in your mouth, or the tear drop in your eye or the water flowing out of the tap.. know that its the same water that once flowed in dinosaurs, and even before that used to be on some alien planet and came to earth riding on meteors and comets some 3.5 to 4.6 billion years ago..

World is Mysterious… Keep Wondering… Stay Amazed…

Gold Nugget 3

World is Mysterious… Keep Wondering… Stay Amazed. <– If you like this then Click on this text to learn more

Gold Nugget 2

Use compassion and forgiveness to douse the fire of anger, frustration and hatred. <– If you like this then Click on this text to learn more

Drop the hatered

Hatred is like poison. It harms the person who nurtures it. Wake up to the fact that hatred is not helping you in any way, it is in-fact harming you physically, mentally and even spiritually.

1. Self-doubt: Hatred is born out of self-doubt that manifests into hatred for others. If we cannot accept ourselves then how can we accept others. So, the first steps starts with accepting oneself and loving and respecting ourselves. Next step will come naturally i.e. we will start accepting others and respecting them for who they are. Stop doubting yourself, accept yourself the way you are, know that you are lovable and loved (even though it may not be apparent in the beginning).

2. Ignorance (Natural or self-imposed or due to conditioning from the outside such as Radio, TV, other news media, movies etc): Reason for hatred can be ignorance or just the fact that you are not accustomed to the other person/ community’s “way of doing things and ideologies”… in other words their customs and traditions. This can be overcome if we start accepting others “as they are”, educate ourselves about their traditions and beliefs and develop an all-accepting matured outlook. Just don’t blindly follow others or accept what they tell you. Use your intelligence and power of discrimination.

3. Happening (somebody did something to you or your loved ones that makes you hate them): The most common and most difficult one generates from someone’s actions. Lots of negative feelings and emotions are generated when this happens. First step at that time should be to take a step back and free yourself from such transitory stuff (feelings, emotions etc). Use compassion and forgiveness to douse the fire of anger, frustration and hatred. Know that you cannot solve a problem while you are inside it. Accept the situation as it is and look at it as a 3rd person. Try to find out how you can prevent this from happening in the future by mutual understanding. If that is not possible, offer your prayers to the higher power to bring togetherness and love in all living beings and unburden yourself and move forward. Yes, this is the most challenging but you have to get over this in order to progress in life.

Real Freedom is…

Generally, freedom is defined as the ability to do what you wish whenever and however you want. It is also sometimes termed as free will. However, this is not true freedom. After looking into the nature of bondage I have come to realize that true freedom is freedom from the “wish” itself.

Yes, it is possible for us to remain free and yet function ‘normally’ in this world. All that is required is to free yourself from the attachment of fruit of your efforts. That will free you of the “wishing” part I spoke about. Once again, easier said that done.. but not impossible. One way to practice this is by doing self-less service. Any service for the society or anyone for that matter (your spouse, parents, children, friends etc.). Just serve them once a day without expecting anything in return and experience the transformation.

Time is Liberating

If we realize that our life’time’ is so tiny (infinitely microscopicc) in front of the universe’s timescale we wont be left with any choice but to stay in bliss all the time… because we’ll know that everything is changing and will never remain the same then why worry? why be jealous? why be angry? why be disappointed? why not be happy, forgiving, all inclusive and loving? Easier said than done but not impossible… all that we have to do is start somewhere and give ourselves some TIME .. and how do we do that?… answer lies in meditation (meditation is spending quality time with yourself).
Thanks for your time.
Lots of Love…