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Unlearn the art of falling sick

From my childhood the times when I was most taken care of and made most comfortable was when I was sick. A little temperature and I’d not need to go to school, I’d get everybody in my family taking nicely to me (not that they weren’t nice to me at other times but they were ‘extra nice’ on such occasions) and I’d get to stay in bed watch television the whole day. I think most of us (if not all) get the same treatment when we fall sick.. dont we? Unfortunately, these are all great incentives to getting sick.Upon growing up we try to create sickness of the mind (some people call depression) to gain other people’s sympathy as if we subconsciously know that if we show we are in a miserable condition people will love us more. On top of that hospitals are becoming more and more comfortable in many times with 5 star hotel facilities…. you see where we are heading with this 🙂

Interestingly, I noticed one more thing, if there was a good enough incentive to go to school (maybe a very nice looking girl in my class or a subject that I really loved to study) then no matter how sick I would be I would still make my way to school (sometimes against my parent’s wish) and by afternoon my body would bounce back and become healthy again. Which means, that even though the sickness may manifest in a physical form its root is in my mind or my attitude towards it.

So, here’s the secret to staying healthy==> Just say to yourself: no matter what the external situation (it maybe raining, too hot, etc) or I maybe having a sore throat I still have to get my job done…. come what may and just move forward. You will notice that your immune system will become stronger and your body will stay healthier, your mind sharper and your energy levels higher. Take your medicines if you have to (that would give you the quick short-term relief) but changing your attitude will give you long-term benefits for sure.