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inspiring people Ive met in my life thus far

In my present life thus far Ive had the good fortune of meeting some amazing people in the field of business and spirituality. Starting from Michael Dell to Sabeer Bhatiya (the guy who created Hotmail) and Azim Premji in the business world to His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Shri Karunamoye Ma and Mooji. Maybe I will cover my interactions with them in some future blogposts. It will give me an opportunity to re-live those precious moments of my life since I learned (and continue to do so) so much from them.

Here’s a beautiful video of Mooji and just like others in this video even I had a chance to take a pic with Mooji during one of his Satsangs in Santa Monica CA. here’s the pic. More on Mooji in future posts.

me with Mooji

Click on image to enlarge

PS: Forward the video to 0.25 seconds for the actual song to start….

Time is Liberating

If we realize that our life’time’ is so tiny (infinitely microscopicc) in front of the universe’s timescale we wont be left with any choice but to stay in bliss all the time… because we’ll know that everything is changing and will never remain the same then why worry? why be jealous? why be angry? why be disappointed? why not be happy, forgiving, all inclusive and loving? Easier said than done but not impossible… all that we have to do is start somewhere and give ourselves some TIME .. and how do we do that?… answer lies in meditation (meditation is spending quality time with yourself).
Thanks for your time.
Lots of Love…